REVIEW: "Lamborghini: The Man Behind the Legend" (2022)
I've always been a fan of Frank Grillo and have often found him to be underrated as an actor. A lot of this may have to do with his choice of roles, some of which are not very good at showcasing his talent. That's why it's nice to see him cast in a starring role in a film like "Lamborghini: The Man Behind the Legend" — a film that doesn't rely so much on Grillo's bankable tough-guy persona. And, unsurprisingly, Grillo is a pretty well-played luxury car maker and namesake of Ferruccio Lamborghini. If only the movie itself wasn't such a tasteless disappointment.
Sadly, "Lamborghini" turns out to be a frustratingly bare-bones biopic that never gets out of neutral. What we end up with is more of a sketch than a full portrait of the man behind the world famous automobiles. The film hits on the most basic points of Ferruccio Lamborghini's life, many of which are easy to predict, mainly because it is so close to the tried and tested biographical formula. As a result, the film does nothing to distinguish Lamborghini's story from the countless other celebrity biographies that have appeared on film.
Image courtesy of Lionsgate
The film opens in 1982 at a Lamborghini vineyard in Umbria, Italy, where old Ferruccio Lamborghini (Grillo) sits alone, looking down at a model blue Lamborghini Countach. He begins to reminisce about his past life, including a seemingly friendly street race he had with rival Enzo Ferrari (a woefully underused Gabriel Byrne), which is never too big. I'm still not sure if the older Ferruccio reflection is meant to be a framing device. It is given too vaguely to know for sure. Either way, writer-director Robert Moresco quickly takes us back in time to begin his story.
In Cento, Italy, shortly after the end of World War II, a younger Ferruccio Lamborghini (played by Romano Reggiani) returns home from the war. His first task is to surprise his girlfriend Clelia (Hannah van der Westhuysen). Then he heads home to his father and brothers. We learn that Ferruccio was a mechanic during the war and learned all about engines. Now he wants to use this knowledge to make and sell tractors, much to the chagrin of his farmer father. But Ferruccio's ambition and thirst for success cannot be quenched.
From there, the film chronicles Ferruccio's quest to turn his dream into reality. He and his best friend Matteo (Matteo Leoni) go to work building their first engine and designing their first tractor. Soon they start their own company. But as Ferruccio's ambition turns to obsession, he finds himself alienating those closest to him.
Image courtesy of Lionsgate
Later, Moresco jumps to 1963, when Ferruccio (now playing Grillo) is running his own successful tractor company. But he wants more. After being rejected and insulted by Ferrari, Ferruccio decides to enter the luxury car game. He puts together a cracking team of engineers and designers who communicate his vision into the impossible. But Ferruccio's enthusiasm is contagious and he will soon show the Lamborghini 350 GT at the prestigious Geneva Motor Show. However, his desire for greatness still drives him, leading him to become one of the most respected car manufacturers in the world. She also sees him once again alienating himself from those who loved him and stood by him.
I'm sure this all sounds familiar to anyone who's seen the high-profile biopic, and for good reason. There's a dramatic corner or two that feels meaningful in person, and we get a few tidbits about the car that gearheads will likely appreciate. Moresco is also more than capable with the camera, capturing beautiful images with a vibrant palette. But the film lacks what it needs most – personality. It has an interesting subject with an equally interesting life to explore. Sadly, we only get glimpses of what made Ferruccio Lamborghini such a compelling character.